Blessings, I'm Priscilla and this is the story of how I came to remember who I've always been.


When I look back at the path that lead me to create the Temples of Atlantis, I can see how truly divinely orchestrated it all was.  However getting here wasn't easy and like you I was challenged, tested, and stretched to my limits many times over.  

From Dancer to Healer...

My own path to awakening, began during a very stressful time in my life when my two daughters were very young, and I was the owner and director of a competitive dance studio.  For many years I worked 60-80 hour plus weeks, getting little sleep, earning little income and with an overwhelming sense that I was failing as a mother. 

In the Spring of 2013, following a very busy competition season my mind began to feel like it was fracturing.  I didn't know how people slipped into depression or seemingly "lost it," but I felt that I was very close to either of those outcomes.  It was a suggestion by my sister who said I should try a reiki session to relax and receive some energy healing.  

At this time in my life I had never heard of Reiki and was desperate to try something to ease my massive headaches along with my physical and emotional discomfort.  

The Reiki Master I received a treatment from was kind, soft and had a glow about her, I immediately felt comfortable and relaxed.  As the treatment started she had mentioned to me how influx my mind was.  On the right side was pure chaos; 1000s of words, thoughts and sentences running each other over and over, clustered, bogged down and heavy.  When she asked what had me in this constant state of overthinking, I answered that it was my dance studio.  

On the left side of my brain, however, was pure light.  When I asked what that meant, she replied that I was supposed to be a healer.  My mind began to swirl.  A healer?  Couldn't be, by that time I had been dancing for 28 years of my life and I fully loved dance and all the connections I had made with students, parents and teachers over those decades.  Still, that thought stayed with me and began to plant the seeds for a major life change.

Near the conclusion of the session, the Reiki Master also noted a small little baby girl sitting on my left shoulder, around the size of an apple she had said.  Her saying this out loud brought tears to my eyes as two years earlier, in 2011, I had gone through a traumatic pregnancy with a daughter who had Trisomy 18.  When she had died and I held her to my heart, she was so tiny at 16 weeks, that she was indeed, the size of an apple. 

Needless to say, that very first Reiki session ultimately changed the course of my life. From that day on, a seed was planted, one whose yield would become impossible to ignore.

Awakening the Sleeper..

Within a month of my first session, my beloved mother-in-law was diagnosed with stage four ovarian cancer.  Her battle lasted a year and a half, and in that time, she too, accepted treatment from the same Reiki Master. 

During this process of watching my mother-in-law deteriorate from this aggressive cancer, I was entering my spiritual awakening.  I felt driven to do something, to help this woman who had been so kind to me, and extremely loving to my two daughters, and so in the summer of 2014, I took my First Degree of Usui Reiki.

Over that first year, I practiced on my husband and his mother, trying to ease the heartache and pain both were experiencing. Although I couldn't save my mother-in-law, I do believe I was able to provide her with peace while also giving me time to be with her, her incredible heart, and loving energy.

Through that initial year of practising Reiki, something had sparked within me, and in 2015, I attained the Second Degree of Usui Reiki.  

I spent the next two years sharing Reiki with my dance students, their parents, close friends and family.  I couldn't believe the visions and images that were beginning to come through, including working with angels, archangels, spirit animals and seeing people's past lives.  A whole new world was being birthed before my eyes, and there was both fear and excitement, as my love and passion for dance began to make way for my love of healing others.  




Enter Atlantis...

During a trip to Bath, England in 2016, I came upon the statue head of Pallas Athena.  Having been about three years into my awakening I was beginning to really tune into my gifts of channeling and clairaudience.  When I saw this beautiful goddess I have adored since sixth grade, I had the inclination she had a message for me.  Athena said, "You must return to Greece sooner rather than later, and will be provided the opportunity to do so.  When this door opens, no matter the circumstances, you must say yes!  It is imperative to your spiritual path.  Mark my words, you must go, do you understand?"  

This moment was key into what was to unfold.  I had visited Greece in 2005 when I was still asleep and it was one of the highlights of my life, knowing I was to return, but this time awoken, brought excitement through me I cannot adequately justify in words.  

By January of 2017, I was beginning to get homesick for Greece.  With the financial situation I was in and the business I was running, I had no idea how I would ever make it.  

On the surface things looked good:

  • Owner of a successful dance studio with a National title
  • Students that were going on to professional careers in the entertainment industry
  • Trips to New York City, Los Angeles, St. Petersberg, Paris & Barcelona for training
  • A beautiful and loving family with a supportive husband

But behind closed doors I was exhausted... I had no patience or time for my little ones and I frequently snapped at them, which made all of us cry.  I was an incredibly devoted dance teacher and mentor to 1000s of students and at the same time, the worst Mom to the two souls on the planet who needed me most.  

In the midst of this internal chaos, my guides began to tell me to look into Atlantis.  At first, I was dumbfounded as to why I was to look into some mythical city that supposedly sunk??  They affirmed to me that it would be key to understanding my love for both Greece and Egypt.  And thus through the spring of 2017, I began my exploration of studying Atlantis through the works of others. 

Through this devout study, something was truly awakening inside of me, and I could not ignore the pull any longer. 

By the end of March 2017,  I made the huge decision to sell my dance studio and retire from teaching dance to pursue the path of healing. 

It was really, really difficult to walk away from a life I had been utterly devoted to, and I cried A LOT.  At the same time though, I started to feel free, like a giant weight was lifted off of me.  

The opportunity to travel to Greece & Turkey came in early August of 2017.  It was easily the most consciously expansive weeks of my life as I had received incredible messages, downloads and upgrades throughout the sacred ancient temples of Greece.  

I was also able to travel to Ephesus, Turkey.  After visiting some of the best preserved ruins from classical times, my tour group and I headed to a local Turkish artisan rug store.  What happened next is one of my favourite stories to share, and I believe it was given to me to not only turn me into a believer, but those I tell as well.  

I had my sights set on a small silk and wool carpet for my healing room and was beginning the bartering process when a man about three rooms away started to head straight for me.  He approached me with confidence and simply stated, "I know who you are."  

In my head, I thought he was mistaking me for someone's niece or daughter, as many Greeks assume that I am Greek in heritage.  

When I asked him, "Who?", he responded, "You're from Atlantis."  My jaw nearly dropped to the floor.  

As my mind began to spin, I asked him where he was from.  He said, "I am from Lemuria, and you and I are old friends."  

Now what's crazy at this point, is had I not read the book, Lemuria and Atlantis by Shirley Andrews just months earlier, I would've had no idea what Lemuria even was.  It was like being in a perfect synchronistic moment when everything comes together with a powerful vortex of time and space.

Now the story goes on as he identifies that I have always been a healer in each of my incarnations, and as I nodded in agreement, he asked me to fix his shoulder.  Sharing the healing energies I had at that time, were enough to relieve him of a lifetime's worth of pain.  He ended up buying me lunch as we chatted further about the mysteries of the universe and of our planet.  

It is a story I cherish, for it truly showed me that not only are past lives real, but that being Atlantean was not something I would ever dismiss again.  From then on I made a commitment I would devote myself to studying Atlantis and see what it wanted me to remember.

The years following 2017, I stepped fully onto my path as a healer.  Over the next two years I would go on to achieve my Reiki Master Teacher certificate in five different methods as well as studying crystal healing, Egyptian shamanism, sacred geometry, Alchemical Healing, and the closest to my heart, Atlantean healing.  In fact, during the first hour of the Atlantean Healing™ practitioner course, I felt more at home and at peace than I could ever remember.  My hands felt more powerful, my abilities were growing, and the visions I was receiving were expanding my mind in ways I never expected.   

What I found through Atlantean Healing™ was that many others were also beginning to remember their past life times in Atlantis, including encounters with mermaids, dolphins and within the Great Temple of Poseidon. 

With the Angels of Atlantis by my side, I was healing deep core wounds, ancient injuries, activating the third eye and crown chakras in ways I had never encountered, and truly seeing how the heart and sacral chakras carry the pain of the past.  

It was an unfolding, I never wished to rush and I enjoyed every single moment of what I was discovering.

From Priestess to Queen...

While I knew myself to be a healer and Atlantean Priestess, it wasn't until the Spring of 2020 that I began to connect with Queen Atlanta of Golden Atlantis.  

At first, she just seemed like a guide to me, a version of my ancient self yes, but her vibration was so luminous, I didn't really feel like I was her at all.  She had blue skin, an elongated head and this glorious aura about her that exuded love, compassion, kindness and power!

08.08.2020 changed everything.

I was facilitating at a local goddess retreat that fateful Lions Gate day, sharing many activations and powerful meditations, when my own Reiki Master Teacher suggested I go ground.  Reluctant to want to interrupt the flow of the activations I was channeling from goddess Sekhmet, I followed the advise of my beloved RMT.  As soon as I placed my bare feet upon the grass I had an incredible download...

 I was Queen Atlanta!!!

In that moment, I entered a different density, a golden one, where the Sun was visibly streaming down light codes that made everything sparkle in golden light.  I had a deep inner knowingness that I was a Queen of Atlantis, and that all the other women at the retreat were as powerful as me. They too were Queens from another land, time or even planet, and it was MY DUTY to help awaken them and reclaim their memories and light!

Since then I have grown in greater Light and found a deeper calling upon my spiritual path. 

Knowing I am a Queen of Atlantis and embodying Queen Atlanta has lead to the creation of the Temples of Atlantis Mystery School. For it is here I will share my most sacred remembrances, teachings, knowledge and love of my most beloved home on the planet!


Priscilla is a Spiritual Teacher & Advisor, Galactic High Priestess and a Queen of Atlantis, Healing & Golden Light.  

She is the creator of the Temples of Atlantis as well as her signature programs: Golden Atlantean Healing™, Cosmic Conscious Reiki™, and Kuan Yin Karuna Reiki™.

Priscilla is a High Priestess of Healing & Oracular Vision many lifetimes over as well as a Psyhic-Intuitive and Reiki Master Teacher.  Having spent four decades of her life dancing, Priscilla is a skilled dancer, teacher, and yogi who understands the power of movement and breath.  She earned her BA in Psychology and holds many spiritually based certificates including:

  • Usui Reiki Master Teacher 
  • Karuna® Reiki Master Teacher 
  • Crystal Reiki Master Teacher 
  • Atlantean Healing™ Master Practitioner 
  • Atlantean Reiki & Lemurian Light Master Teacher 
  • Ensofic Reiki Practitioner 
  • Modern Mystery School Initiate 
  • Alchemical Healing Practitioner

Priscilla seeks to empower other healers, teachers, lightworkers, freedom fighters, warriors of Light and spiritual leaders into wholeness and wellness by activating ancient light codes of their destiny within.  Through her powerful offerings which include Atlantean Akashic Activations, courses, programs, and retreats, she is dedicated to helping the collective prepare to birth New .  

Finally after 12,000 years, it is time to bring back the love, light, knowledge and healing power of Golden Atlantis.  Through the Temples we will bring back what has been forgotten to remember and step into our power, light, divinity and creation abilities. 


Golden Atlantean blessings always!

"My Queen, you are so incredibly powerful! The transformations started for me two days after the first class and haven't stopped. My lifetimes are converging as I receive massive downloads each day helping me to remember my sacred path."

Antonella Castaldo, USA

"Priscilla, thank you for the depths of my whole being. You're an absolute Queen in my eyes. Today was immensely powerful. I'm still slightly in shock at how much came through to you and am still massively absorbing it all."

"I've felt something shift today, my heart, it feels way less heavy, way less empty and lost. It's more aware, more curious. I think I'm falling in love with me again and see why I'm here because I have been so lost." 

"Thank you again."

Brittney Voight, Canada