10 Signs You're Going Through A Spiritual Awakening

ancient soul awakening spiritual awakening spirituality transformation Jan 06, 2024

Spiritual awakenings, plain and simple, are game changers.  Once you come into awareness of the light being you are, and the power you possess to create and manifest, your life will never be the same.  

Although each individual follows their own path of bread crumbs to the light, there are some common signs we as a collective experience when awakening from our deep slumber.  

  1.  An internal shift begins to form when you start to question the purpose of life. Many report feeling lost in life or a nagging urge that there must be something more.  The monotony of the 40+ hour work week, little free time, never ending bills and always feeling exhausted begins to weigh on us like a ten tonne shadow.  At some point we realize that in effect, we are not happy.
  2.  You become more in tune with your soul. The gentle nudges that urged you to follow your passions instead of the scent of money grows into a much larger presence.  You start to daydream more on all the hopes you had as a child.  Suddenly there is a longing to be creative, to try something new and to shake up your day to day routine.  
  3.  You long for a simpler life. You begin to look at all the "stuff" you've accumulated and it just begins to feel heavy...heavy in your mind, your body and your home.  Things that we've been programmed to believe would make us happy such as a new boat, huge home, or designer handbag leave us feeling empty and hollow.  You dream of a simple life in the great outdoors.  
  4.  Mother Gaia is calling your name.  You start to long to spend more time in nature and away from the hustle and bustle of city life.  As your breath deepens, the world seems to slow down and your senses grow.  Colours become more vibrant, smells more fragrant, and the songs of the birds send joy into your heart.  There is a shedding of the old and numb and an awakening to a deeper connection to all that is.  
  5.  You become aware of energy. All of a sudden you realize how draining some people are to be around.  Their intense negativity leads you to avoid social gatherings with them at all costs.  Friends you once loved gossiping with seem shallow.  People who take without giving become exhausting and you find yourself wanting to shield yourself much more often.
  6.  You begin to seek out people and subjects of a higher vibration. A bookstore you've always walked past calls you in and you're lead to books on spirituality, past lives, ascension and more.  You become attracted to others who speak of love, light, compassion and oneness.  Your mind expands and you feel like something is shifting.  At this point many begin to find the path of yoga, tai chi or meditation.  You also may begin to gravitate towards more whole and organic foods eliminating processed meals from your diet.  
  7.  You're drawn to spending more time alone.  As you continue to declutter your life, you find yourself reading more, slowing things down and connecting to a deeper part of you.  Perhaps you've taken up a new hobby or you're interested in seeing what meditation is all about.  A feeling of peace begins to fill you and you discover ways to let go of things no longer serving you.  
  8.  The world seems to be full of falsehoods and lies.  You start to see the world with a fresh new perspective. There is an awareness of the programming and grooming you've been living with your whole life.  What you used to know as true can seem ridiculous.  There is a questioning of why society is the way it is, of the pharmaceutical, banking, and food industries.  You begin to notice all the ways greed and cruelty are expressed and start to become more compassionate, sensitive and aware.  
  9.  You find yourself going down rabbit holes constantly.  You spend hours on the internet investigating conspiracy theories and discovering new and profound truths.  You begin to wonder why things like free energy and cures for cancer have been buried.  Your awareness continues to shift and you find yourself feeling alone in this knowledge.  
  10.  You researched "Spiritual Awakening"and found yourself here:)  You continue to shift, to grow, to unlearn and learn; perhaps are even seeking out healers, lightworkers, and spiritual teachers.  There is a general excitement of the possibility of changing your life and you feel ready to take that leap.  

There are many more signs of course that can bring in awareness that you are awakening. Wherever you are on your journey have faith that it is going to lead you somewhere fantastic! 

A wonderful quote to remember from Pierre Teilhard de Chardin is:  "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience."

If you'd like help navigating your spiritual awakening, be sure to check out the Temples of Atlantis' many courses, programs and retreats created to awaken, heal and activate you into your highest form.


Golden Atlantean blessings always!