Imbolc: The Season of Death & Rebirth
Feb 01, 2024
Imbolc is the final turn of the wheel of the year before a fresh new year begins! It is the halfway point between the Winter Solstice (Yule) and the Spring Equinox known as Ostara.
Celebrated each year between January 31 and February 2nd, Imbolc is a sign that more light and new beginnings are on the way! But it doesn't come without its challenges, as our time through Yule season has been showing us what is dying...old patterns, old ways of thinking, relationships that no longer serve, and a general heaviness that continues to shed while we rest deep within our winter slumber. And yet, the first hints of Spring are on the way with excitement about new beginnings, even if we don't yet understand where they will lead! And thus, we are literally, at a crossroads.
- What can we toast to and say thank you to for the previous year's lessons and blessings?
- What whispers is our soul sharing that are pointing us in bold, new directions?
Whatever stage you are at now, over the next six weeks you will be coming into a time of renewal, cleansing, rebirth and celebration, even if it comes with some VERY uncomfortable moments!
Imbolc is a pagan celebration where that very word, pagan, can conjure up some stiffness in some. It is important to realize that many aspects of the Divine Feminine, including our intuitive and natural connection to our Earth Mother, Gaia, have been demonized, ostracized and made to be forgotten.
The ancient Atlanteans celebrated this time with great anticipation, as they were a matriarchal society. Being as such, the respect and adoration of the goddess, and the wisdom of elder women in the community, were highly valued. The Atlanteans were not one to ignore the changing of the seasons and their impact on life.
Imbolc traditionally celebrates the triple goddess, Brigid, a High Priestess of the Atlantean Temple of Finias. Legendary for its 12 towers of gold and emeralds, the Temple of Finias contained many treasures that would be pilfered by sea-faring men for centuries to come. This beautiful temple has remained in our collective consciousness as it is depicted as the Emerald City in the Wizard of Oz franchises.
During the expansion years of Golden Atlantis, High Priestesses such as Brigid lead charge to create glorious colonies of Atlantis world wide. Spurring a new title of the Tuatha de Danaan people, these Atlanteans were true to form as being very tall with stunning blue or green eyes and hair of gold or fire! Brigid, was a perfect example of a High Priestess Atlantean, serving from the Temples of Truth, Light and alchemizing Fire, while believed to have sparked flames at the time of her birth!
Through Brigid, one begins to shed the layers of the Crone who has matured over the wheel of the year and is ready to once again be reborn into the Maiden and Virgin.
Brigid serves as the goddess of inspiration and creativity, healing, smith craft, fire craft, and poetry. She is a patron of poets and bards, healers and magicians. Brigid is also known to watch over women in childbirth and thus evolved into a goddess of hearth and home. A true High Priestess of who is multitalented, loves to give to the people and is a unifier of women all over the planet!
There are many ways to connect and honour Brigid at this special time which can include the following rituals:
- Place a green cloth out upon your hearth at Imbolc and Brigid will bless it in the night with strength and power. You can use this cloth to bring comfort, provide protection and aid in healing as you go forward into Ostara.
- Near sunset, light candles in every room to welcome in the fire goddess and also the return to the light.
- Enjoy a ritual bath with a blend of clove, ginger, and rosemary essential oils (ensure they are blended previously with a carrier oil to avoid burning your skin). Go into a meditation that takes you to Atlantis, Avalon or Ireland and see how you can connect to Brigid. Enjoy the Temples of Atlantis meditation on our YouTube channel here.
- Get out your oracle or tarot cards and enjoy the special spread I have created to bring special messages from this beloved goddess (pictured below).
- As Brigid is also known as the goddess of the crossroads, traditionally many weave a cross to honour her serving as a symbol of the year being at a crossroads between light and dark. Brigid's cross is then hung above the entryway protecting the home from natural disasters and keeping families healthy and safe from illness.
Other ideas for celebrating Imbolc:
Create an Imbolc altar consisting of many points of candlelight, red, green and white candles are excellent choices to represent the melting of snow and coming of spring and sunlight. You can also add in potted bulbs such as crocus, daffodils and tulips symbolizing the new growth that is about to set forth. A centrepiece of flowers and candles can represent Brigid's crown as well as a woven cross and healing herbs honour this goddess. Bringing in elements of Celtic designs, chalices and cauldrons and perhaps even a book of poetry. Be creative, allow your intuition to guide you towards an altar that will feed you and nourish you over the next six weeks leading to Ostara.
Clear out the clutter and get an early jump on spring cleaning. Open the windows, burn sage or palo santo throughout the home and enjoy the freshness of new beginnings.
Visit a river or stream. If it is clean and safe, splash some over yourself as a symbol of purification. Call in Brigid to help you with this ritual and ask her to bless you, your family and our world.
Plant some seeds and start planning what you will grow now that winter is starting to pass! What type of garden do you want to plant? How big? Reflect on what worked well last year and start to research ways to bring in more abundance and success in your garden (hint working alongside faeries is a great way to bring in an abundant harvest).
However you choose to celebrate enjoy the process. If coming back to your pagan roots is new for you, try one or two things, if you are a seasoned veteran invite others to join you in your celebrations. Whatever you do, go forward with an open heart and love for our planet and you will be blessed for the months ahead.
About the author:
Priscilla is an ancient soul with strong ties to Atlantis, Egypt & Greece where she has served as a High Priestess of Healing, Truth, and Oracular Vision time and time again.
Her love of ancient civilizations; their wisdoms and magicks, has opened the gateway to understand the bridge between them and the great Star Nations of our Universe. Together these frequencies marry within her through her signature Atlantean Akashic Activations and the creation of Cosmic Conscious Reiki.
One of Priscilla's biggest missions and goals, is to heal the trauma from the great fall of Atlantis and once again bring forth the immense love, wisdom and golden light of this beloved era and civilization.
For 1:1 sessions, online courses and programs, Cosmic Conscious Reiki certification courses, and access to her retreats visit her website at